
I dunno. I saw this press release, and the people involved in the survey target (skew?) an audience to fit the needs of their clients. At worst, this could be hopeful optimism.

The original Atari 2600. Built like a tank. No seriously, I suspect tank parts were used. And the wood grain in front... real wood. Ok, I kid, but that thing was solid.

You'd be hard pressed to name titles released under the casual label from EA.

Kinda sucks. Both the Circuit City stores in my area are closing, which means no more Circuit City anywhere nearby. ...was planning to pickup Gears of War 2 from them on Friday to get the free 1600 point card. Now I'm wondering if they'll still receive new shipments, since those stores are closing.

I have this bundle, and the joystick is extremely solid.

er, meant to say... they're not invulnerable.

"SONY on the other end has made 88 billion this year"

Ugh. Was hoping they would be made by Hori. Not a fan of Mad Catz at all.

Why Deadliest Crap?

OMG, I get more email for Gamefly than other other vendor. I especially love the 'Post Office is going to be closed for the holiday emails' Like, no @*#$! Am I that stupid that I'd be expecting a game on a holiday when no other US mail is being delivered?! Why not concentrate on mailing your games faster, than sending

Little Big Planet certainly looks great, and is perhaps the one game on the system that peaks my interest, however I'm not sure that's enough to make me plunk down money for a PS3.

It seems intersting that a well known developer is airing his concerns in public. Basically he's calling out Microsoft publically to change some practices to which we're not privy. It would seem that there's additional licensing costs for multiple discs and also some overhead required on those discs.

This is kinda like saying, we can no longer make games in a specific popular series, but we can still use the same menu system.

I've been playing Bad Company practically every night for the past week and half. Games are always full.

Been playing Bad Company multiplayer lately. Still need to sit down one of these days and go through the single player campaign.

I feel the same way about Pong. Pong was always there for me growing up, through good times and bad. My first car— purchased through Pong hustling. During that brief dark period where I was homeless, I found shelter in an abandoned Pong machine. Later my revealing tell-all about the sordid development of Pong was on

I said years ago that leaving the fan out of a show that was highly anticipated would not be a good thing.

Wee all knew this was inevitable. Just be thankful no one has used Wee Wee Games yet.

I think the Wii is partly a fad, partly a great value, partly nostalgia, supported by a great first party publisher.

The reason why you don't see Vectrex, Coleco, et al on the list is because they came along in the early 80s. The article is about systems that were introduced in the 70s.