
Thanks for the suggestion.

HA! It is. It’s really cliché.

Thank you, Jen! I think I’m going through a bad cycle of depression. It started weeks ago and I recognized it but wasn’t able to fix it. It’s like a train that is going to crash but you can’t do anything about it. Just live it and breathe through it.

Thank you so much for your suggestion! I’m already googling.

I would love to. Money is the issue (as always). But I’m looking into Meetups for hiking. Thank you! 

Posting here because why not. I’m turning 31 today. In the last year I divorced from my emotionally abusive husband, moved in an apartment alone, lost my job and had to deal with the fact that I feel really lonely. My family lives on another continent and making friends in LA is super hard. Plus I’m poor and worried

A pedophile is someone who is attracted to prepubescent girls or boys. Ephebophilia is the term for someone who strictly prefers teenagers. There is actually a very big difference between the two. For instance, phedophilia is considered a mental disorder, but ephebophilia is not, unless it results in exploitative