What else can you expect from someone with the user name 'star raper'?
What else can you expect from someone with the user name 'star raper'?
Not only a ton of good will, but also (and more importantly for nintendo) tons of money. Put it on the 3ds (heck even ds if you want more people) for 3 bucks and it will sell a ton.
Get it? Cockpit? lololololol
I can't work out if you are actually ignorant or just trolling.
That's true, but only from a certain point of view.
Thanks for the great idea for sexual roleplay with my petite redhead wife!
star-raper, you're an idiot...
I had such a hard time beating that game because my English wasn't all that good back then, and I never bothered reading the stuff to answer the questions at the end of the game. Still, I eventually managed to get past it. Now that English is no longer a barrier, maybe I should try to fire up the old N64 and play the…
Looks great and all, but how would she shoot the eggs?
Is that Satoru Iwata?
In a world where a new ‘real life’ Mario YouTube clip is created every minute I feel the need to reward this attempt…
Exactly. I was watching my younger cousins play halo 4, and there is this part where its very dark, and it says, in flashing letters in the center of the screen "press up to activate night vision" and they wouldnt. Just kept asking "why cant i see who to shoot?"
hollywood would never do anything THIS faithful.
I thought it was extremely noticable. It was the entire point. I mean, the sound track is a tick tock and everyone moves in time with the sound. I mean, the only thing missing is someone just flat out saying "we are moving like clockwork!" Which they probably needed to do. Many games are that blunt, and I think…
It's like Kotaku read my mind. I could literally write a book about the designs of Metal Gear Solid.
said "star-raper", a user with a clockwork orange icon. so edgy.
"star-raper" "STAR-RAPER"
you don't need to be intellectual.
all of these things should have been aparent to anyone who played with their eyes open and had some kind of situational awareness. are modern gamers this stupid i wonder?
The design is very iconic. It represents both a soldier and a ninja.