
i kinda honestly would much rather have an interesting inchoherent mess than comercial garbage. im just getting tired of corperate pandering i guess. to me smething like cloud atlas was awe inspiring. i just want movies to be different these days i guess. tired of good vs evil, tired of arbitrary love interests,

i do think star wars is in better hands than it was when it was in lucas' clutches... but i gotta say that i feel really sorry for anyone who is a star wars fan. their first star wars movie is gona be directed by JJ abrams, who is the safest and most pedestrian choice for this kind of film. id much rather a

it shows temperature and gives volume to the illustration. would look lifeless if it wasnt a warmer hue.

i dont have disdain for it. im just getting tired of just how many we get. i prefer my science fiction to not be about the fate of the earth... but more personal like how source code was, or moon. to me, good science fiction is huge and bombastic like the new star trek films or avatar... a good science fiction film

i have this feeling that disney is gona go the safest possible route and not do any of the cool shit you mentioned.

guy has talent. not even a fan if this cal arts look, but i gotta hand it to him. this is beautifully rendered.

i dont care if you are a guy, you are acting like a little bitch to me.

you dont know what metaphysical is.

because im in no mood to argue and waste my time with a moron, ill let this video do all the talking.

Now playing

first of all, you dont know what a plot hole is.

the film uses concepts that apparently the audience didnt understand for whatever reason. i thought it was very clear, but alot of people who didnt get it keep on asking me that same questions whenthe film was very clear.

its alien technology, you wouldnt understand it.

its a scifi adventure with a horror twist to it. why would anyone expect it to be vague? Alien wasnt vague...

no, i love sci fi... especially hard sci fi like source code. but unfortunately hard sci fi rarely happens. the closest thing we got to a big budget hard sci fi flick was prometheus (which was amazing) and people generally disliked it because it woldnt think for them.

im getting tired and uninterested in super hero movies, si fi epics and remakes... i want somehing fresh and original.

incoming franchise fatigue... the apeal will wear off fast.