
yup... just ask the Flash :)


Jesus... nuff said.

I actually like him speaking in normal voice.. wait, oh no nononoono.. Don't do it Lucas!!!! *darth vader* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...

If only Christian Bale would be so kind as to reciprocate these actions. Wait never mind, the media blast it as a publicity stunt.


lol... What is this Google+ you speak of?

I don't wanna! :(

The Turkish Bath

Those suits are made of pure jealousy.

If Verizon "estimates" that the LTE data is twice as much then they should double the data on all their plans. That's the best way to solve this.

Here is my gaming rig.

I'll just hook up my Dreamcast to my PS3 (for up conversion) to my HDTV and save myself some money or I can just play it on my Dreamcast. :-)

Star Trek 09 never showed up despite being an itunes digital copy. Any tips?

Is there an update for the software you are using for you PC/MAC? It seems like it's a feature that has to be added to existing apps.

Rumor has it that all photos taken AFTER the 5.1 update will be deleted from all devices. Those pre-5.1 photos are out of luck. I haven't tried this yet but it's what is circulating on the apple forums.

and so the era of hypochondriacs begins :-)

well good luck then. seems like you have explored all options except one. Break your contract and get a different smartphone. Seems to be your only choice since you hate the iPhone so much.

I'll be dipped. That is an issue.

Is your bluetooth, gps off? Those will drain the battery. The bigger question is whether or not your phone is in some sort of coverage dead spot. My iPhone works perfect outside of my parents house but once I step inside it goes ape shit trying to find a signal and the battery gets sucked down like nothing. They have