Paul, Man of Mustangs

Im pretty sure he just has his eyes open to the world around him, it has nothing to do with the way they dress or the color of their skin, Contrary to what race and discrimination baters like you think. No one is assuming that everyone that has food stamps is manipulating the system. Its a sad fact that there are a

Sadly it isn't much of an exception. Do yourself a favor and don't dig into the stats, it will hurt your brain and soul to see how abused systems are. Ever since having an inside view of inner working at the state level and learning that systems are "designed to be abused" (actual policy language), you realize it's

WTF is it with embedded auto-play videos lately? Cut that shit out!

WARNING I am going to get political:

::entire crowd proceeds to weep openly::

Some say, she bought her first car at 14 months ... and that her mother mixes in 5W30 with her night time bottle ... all we know is that she's the Stig's illegitimate American daughter.

say it with me now........NINE———TEEN hence teenager....

Don't we all wish our moms could handle a car like that. My mother hasn't driven a manual since before I was born.

Everybody has to start somewhere. Cut the guy some slack. You don't think Roy Wort just magically appeared one day with a keyboard and talent - he had to do shit like this all through High School. Only then everything wasn't uploaded to the internet and judged by a bunch of Burner arm chair quarterbacks like you