Paul, Man of Mustangs

Your argument is a logical fallacy. Guns are tools. Murder is an action. Tools themselves cannot kill: they must be wielded by a person. Actions can kill. Murder, by its very definition, is the killing of someone who doesn't deserve death. Guns can be used to murder, but also to defend against it. Everyone has a right

I've always been one to not argue with a vehicle that is an order of magnitude more massive than mine. Also, was it that hard to pull over to let the truck by? No? Then have a nice day.

Butthurt? No. I think it's hilarious. Especially since you think you're trolling me.

I take it you didn't bother to read any of the previous 4 replies to me, or my apology about my goddamn brain fart.

My mind shut off for a bit. I don't pay too much attention to Japanese engine naming schemes, but now I do remember that RB26 is the Skyline GT-R motor. I was thinking rotary swap.

A GT-R badge on a Miata? Really?

The car buff magazines have been complaining about too-tall gearing, saying they could hit 100 in 2nd gear.

I have done some volunteer valet duties from time to time for my college and random charity events. At one point, I had an E92 M3. I will admit, I did give it a bit of gas to see if I could get to 30 mph in 30 feet. Then parked it. No tire squeal or anything because I don't want to be responsible for crashing a 70k+

I remember reading how there were hundreds of dollar stores, and I think almost (or maybe more than) a thousand liquor stores. Shows just where their priorities are.

Dammit! So close to getting #10! I even looked for Acura in Thor on Google, but Avengers was just easier because I kept getting a dealership. Oh well, I'll take partial credit.

Mad jelly. I've always seen A-10s as the muscle car of the fighter planes. Not particularly fast or great looking, but very powerful and can take a beating.

The Acuras in The Avengers. I didn't think that Acuras were heavy-duty enough to be considered by top agencies. I would have expected something like an Explorer, Escalade, or something like that.

Yeah, the introduction of the car to the series read like a commercial. Then there weren't any real tech gadgets on it.

"Oops, lost the Ka. I'll just hop into this handy Ford Bronco II. Oh look, a bunch of Ford Edges. Maybe I'll take one of those."

I will say that I'm entry level, but I like to think that I know what I'm doing.

If you need a suspension engineer...

Since your dad has a machine shop, have you thought about building your own guns?

Sitting at the starting line/ just did my burnout/ light turns green/ rev the engine and I'm out/ forgot I had flipped the gear down and reversed it...

Honestly, it would be wise for you to not comment on anything remotely related to this legal matter unless you run each comment by your employer's lawyer. Trust me, things you say here can bite you in the ass.

I love how everyone can understand sarcasm.