
The couple should split up. Romantic relationships are sexual. Love is sexual. The bed's for sleeping and boinking. Maybe I am (and all of my partners have been) hypersexual compared to these standards, but I'm still trying to wrap my brain around what exactly "maintenance sex" is - if masturbation is eww to you, live

Strainingtosee is not a troll. As a lucky winner of the 2013 Columbia PhD lotto, I couldn't agree with her more. I don't quite see how Ms Sulkowicz hasn't strained to see that the dissemination of her beaming, picture-perfect features is as much a gift to right-wing tuckfards as Sabrina Erdely's fertile imagination. A

Thanks for this, I didn't understand why the writer didn't mention these facts!

Opera's my favorite art form, and I hold Aida with roughly as much esteem as Cecil DeMille's Ten Commandments. The remake.

What is meant here by "classical music?" The article is a terrific piece on racism, and my blood boiled along with everyone else's.

On the other hand, I can name two dozen black opera singers off the top of my head; to true opera fans they count among the super-super-super-stars.

I've never cared for Aida, and I'll

I hate Obama.

I'm sorry to say this, but not only servers hate you.

Why do you even respond? I get a million hits a day. Don't engage.

One of my friends complains several times a month about yet another "creepy guy." She's attractive and receives more than her share of unwanted attention. Finally she showed me her feed. She's conversing with people whose values she abhors.

She doesn't

Wait. When did people become lazy?

Also, why has masturbating been spelt "masterbating" more than once on this very site on this very day, this shortest day?

It's okay if no one answers this. I can text my kids. They'll call back.

And it's not just bizarrely bad journalism, it's bizarrely bad journalism that's set feminism back to the Connery Bond. If I say it's pretty obvious that Erdely's eyes were fastened to her career, I might be biased because I'm also a writer, but a responsible one. But I'm not biased because of my gender, as Anna

I think video's a mistake for Jezebel. The writing itself, whether or not it aligns with its readers' mores, is so strong. But the music, the credits, the fonts, the colors, the cutsey squiggles, and even just seeing the faces of the people whose words we read turns this site into a marketable little gift-wrapped