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Prince Ali Albaba does not approve of this comment.
So happy Skay is posting pictures again!
you can also superglue the battery doors shut to extra safe.
Any news on how his insurance treated this?
Some people it is feet others like tall people, what ever blows your hair back. If an Alibi does it for you, I salute you! Let no one tell you that it is weird.
Fixed it
Folsom, CA to Tuscon, AZ in 11 hours average speed was 80.8 mph. In a 1st gen prelude that was very happy at about 90ish and got 30 + mpg. Had a steak at lil’abners Steakhouse that night, a very satisfying day. We were doing 90 + on I5 and the CHP mustangs blew buy us like we standing still. My co driver, my dad, had…
I fixed it for you:
So new boss, same as the old boss?
Its greatest safety feature is it’s ugliness, nobody wants to be with a mile of that thing.
Careful, this unfinished project may be your only legacy that any potential children would inherit.
There were two, a baby blue datsun ‘72 510 wagon for $300, had electrical problems and flat tires and an interior that matched the price. It was just so cool, but it frightened me. I had no money and did not want to have it towed - this was i ‘97. Also that year i looked at ‘82 728I (euro grey market) ran but again…
I like it, but what i find more interesting is the light baby blue this car was “originally” that would be a great color for the hellcat.
Do a beer tour of Vermont if that is your thing, they have gone insane with IPAs up there.
Did a tick hurt you at some point?.....Wait what am Isaying? You’re right all ticks are bad. Get that tick spray.
You mean Damburger.
I see a fire in your future.
Yay, I no longer have to sneak vodka in in a old water bottle!
Why not weird people by sexy cars?
He seems more like a Yeti kind of guy, if you know what i mean..wink wink, nudge, nudge... wait i don’t even know what i am implying....