
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."

Keep yanking on them bootstraps and voting against your own interests America. You just keep telling yourself that you're just one more 12 hour weekend shift at your

you must be young

Where are you from, cowpoke?

I did this for my sixth grade science fair project. I took second place to a dissected cow heart.

There is a weird "cyclist" mentality that exists here. A smugness that because they "ride" they're better than everyone else. While there are laws and rules I clearly break, I suffer from no such delusion. Maybe it's because I stopped riding for exercise a long time ago.

"Please don't pretend that drivers are any better."

Jerks, @ssholes & rule breakers.

You do what's safer for you and leave everybody else to deal with your choices, ignoring the fact it may not be safest for others. That's sort of the definition of being a jerk.

I am a cyclist and I say jerks.

Those poor people.

Unhitch your cause, whatever it is, from #GamerGate. Its moved well beyond the point of redemption. Find another name, find another fight, find another way of expressing what you want ("ethics in journalism" or whatever— good luck with that) #GamerGate is done.

Guess what? Women are 51% of the population and we know that this is about representation of women in games, which you believe should adhere to only your tastes. Every time that you harass an advertiser for supporting the targets of your harassment and that advertiser leaves, they will harm their business. By pulling

Except that the "movement" started as an organized harassment campaign against a female developer after her ex accused her of cheating in a character assassination piece. What good could have ever come out of that?

They are the real victims here.

I guess it's...better, but it all seems a bit....focus tested? Like it's been crammed with reactionary references to their own inadequacies. Ehh, could be really solid and I suppose I should know better than to expect subtlety.

I'm not sure, from the first 6 pages it's not something I'd give to a 10 year old.

It was considered, they even had a proof of concept.

Let's be honest about two more things:

Kill him? Why would I do that? I've done far worse, I've destroyed his family, his friends, and brought the leader of his kind to his knees before I threw him off of a balcony. I won't kill you goomba, because there's no need to. I've already destroyed you.