
Ugh that is sad. So you can add that the abusive partner frequently commits reproductive coercion to trap the partner-putting holes in condoms, throwing away the birth control, and worse. 

that username tho

Deb is from my tribe, so I’m just a *little* excited. I wish my grandparents and dad were around to see her nominated and hopefully confirmed.

I see my comment to the very sad individual below has disappeared.

You’ll probably flag this too but I invite you to volunteer at a battered women’s shelter. And also to never make comments like this in person in front of other women. You will immediately lose friends. 

please see my comment

 I’d like to try to explain, from first hand experience, how a woman with means, knowledge, and (on the surface) agency can succumb to an abusive man. I’ll point out that your comment comes across as shaming an abused woman of color in her darkest hour.

Ivanka Trump is now forever in my mind Farting Tammy from Bob’s Burgers. 

Interesting that the professor is from Albuquerque. Many people do not know the history of the Southwest; the professor alludes to it in the article. Before 1848 much of the area was controlled by the Spanish and elite Mexicans, who were and are white. They cut off the hands and feet of my ancestors (I am from a New

I guess this needs to be said to Abigail Spanberger:

I know where I was on election night 2016. I was on the phones until the last polls closed in the last place in the country. Hillary’s phone team leadership was having trouble getting enough people to keep calling voters, because y’all just thought she was going to win without work.

Thanks so much for your self-awareness, Megan. I think a huge problem with media in general (journalism, film, tv, etc) is that it is produced by elites and they are insulated by financial and racial segregation from people with real problems. The articles you mention (I am a NYT subscriber) are off-putting to so

Wouldn’t be surprised if HP books were heavily edited and/or ghost written

I’m so sorry. When you guys as youngsters used to come into the bookstore  I worked at asking for HP books, I thought it was so cute and was so excited to see a new generation of readers. I’m so sorry it turned out like this. She should be ashamed of herself. 

Wonder why the forced hysterectomies weren’t covered in the Intercept....

And indigenous women are still, presently, routinely sterilized without their consent

I have been waiting for this moment for so fucking long. Now what show re-cap is Jezebel going to annoy us with now? It would be so awesome if it was some science show, but I know that won’t happen.

I love this! Thanks for sharing. 

Welp, I was hoping for an article that actually talked about how gender roles really do hurt men....I see them negatively affect the cisgender men in my life all the time....oh well. Haw haw balls. 

I am a C-PTSD expert-been diagnosed with it and have lived with it for 30 years.