
Ditto for me. I have Black Keys tickets for this summer, and have waited for years to have the time/money to see them. I’m hoping they cancel their shows so I can get a refund but if not I’m just not going. 

This straight up makes me hyperventilate. Please, please let her make it until we get that Orange Baboon’s Ass out of office.

I am so sick of the Kardashians and their cultural appropriation. I have never seen such useless human beings in my life. 

Yeah “Republicans don’t want female politicians for the most part” is why I have a little trouble participating in the schadenfreude. It’s a win for our side, but it’s a win because misogyny. 

No one making 6 figures in the Bay Area has to risk their lives (like the author) in order to make a living.

Husband is an independent contractor. He loves the new gig law, if that is what you are referring to. It means he is getting paid better. 

OMG this thread is the best 

THIS. Please put this on a damn t-shirt.

That may be true of others but your comment does not apply to me. I am well aware that Putin’s people have posed as Bernie Bros to fuel animosity between us. So, let’s end the animosity, OK?

Great store, great street. That NYC is totally gone. Sigh.

This is disgusting, whoever did it.

Perhaps the most perplexing quality all Karens share is time because they always seem to have it.” Right?

This is the comment I needed today 🤣

How about a gofundme for the asthma meds? I bet we could get enough Jezzies to kick in $5+ bucks to get you one.

I’m curious to know how he reacted when his casinos were imploding, when he went through bankruptcy. I have a feeling he reacted in a similar way.

Request isn’t tone deaf. Sound mixer/audio dude husband here. So many people behind the scenes who scrape by because they love it! 

Can we maybe call her “that rich lady” instead of “that Chinese lady”? This disease has more to do with wealth than nationality or race. Ain’t no one in my hood who can afford international travel or a cruise, which I think is part of Ashley’s point. 

You and your husband are what made and make San Francisco so special. I’m so sorry-I wish I could wave a wand and change all of this. 

I’ll probably end up in the grays again.

We are so fucked.