
“The heritage of this property transcends its celebrity”

In b4 the Atwood.

Theon could fuck a woman in all the same ways his sister can.

YAS! I came to say that. Her putting up that silencing hand with her bad bitch face made me fist pump.

Didn’t it seem like kind of a dick move to drag Theon to the whore house? Couldn’t they have just left him on the ship.

When Lyanna Mormont holds up her Trump-sized hand dismissively to the maester?! Swoon. Now I want Lyanna to sit the Iron Throne come the series finale, while Yara and Daenerys get married and raise dragons together.

“I’m full of gratitude. From now on, I’m going to take better care of him as he grows up,” Yamato’s father, Takayuki Tanooka, 44, said in comments on NHK, the national broadcaster

I bet he never throws rocks at cars again.

It’s just so obvious.


*Frantically scrolling to see Karlie*

At the very least, you won’t know the difference.

Don’t forget the 24 year-old teacher tied to a cinder block at the bottom of a pond:

On top of that, there was the guy in South Korea who stabbed a woman because he said women ignored him. He waited 40 minutes for a woman to show up in the restroom and then stabbed her to death. Incidentally, he didn’t bother wearing a dress to hide in there. It’s almost like you wouldn’t need to.

If you are thinking of executing a murder/suicide, just reverse the order. I promise it will still work.

Where’s our designated Margaret Atwood commenter?

Goddamn I love Pomskies. I need to make enough money to afford my dream Pomsky/Siberian Forest Cat household. They will be friends and love each other forever.

I’ll be wearing “wettable and covers it all the fuck up.” Because I’m an old.

Wait, actually I transcribed it while working on this article: