Stacy Ann Young

MAN I miss acid. I'm a grown-ass adult (ostensibly) now so I don't think I could go wild like I used to in my care-free teen years, but I would definitely be down to give it another spin. It's been too long.

If you're gonna spew, spew in this.

I am constantly amazed that AOL is still a thing that exists.

I like to make my PBJ or PBH so both sides are Peanut Buttered and place the Jam or Honey just shy of the edge so it seals the edges of the diagonally cut sammich. It also stops the liquidy bits from soaking into the bready bits. Same for PBB although the banana is usually OK, doing both sides reduces the mushyness

My best advice on sandwich making is to slice ingredients such as tomatoes and cucumbers unevenly; that is, one side should be thicker than the other. When adding these slices to your sandwich, overlap the thinner edges in the center, that way your sandwich doesn't bulge in the middle, which allows ingredients to

Oh come on. People start doing hard drugs because of drug tests?? Nah. They probably just wanted to do hard drugs and thought it sounded like a good excuse. MANY people who smoke weed don't really consider it a "drug" drug and would never consider touching hard drugs.

I use to drink a bit. I was any normal mid-late 20's guy beer with buddies, shots on occasion, and I only have maybe 2-3 "I was so drunk" stories. Then I moved to Colorado. I drink so rarely now that it's almost un-enjoyable. I still enjoy some local craft brews now and then but the green is much better for that "I

Except drunk people are much much more dangerous than stoned people.

Kevin Warwick deserves a read too, considering he's (one of the, if not the first) cyborgs.

There's certainly similarities in design between Apple's new desktop os and Microsoft's windows 7 when it comes to transparency but that doesn't make them lazy or scared to try new things. Apple was the first to launch a laptop with a trackpad with their PowerBook 500 series back in the 90's and now just about every

It's all about political priority. In countries like France or Spain where the development of high-speed trains was given a high priority, shit got done in a relatively timely manner.

stop trying to depict the chinese as crazy communists, this is a brilliant prospect for international trade, and theres nothing to say a long tunnel like this wouldn't be possible. the channel tunnel is only 25 miles long and with a high-speed train like they obviously intend to use it would only take like 40 mins

I think what he is saying is that no one know what will happen when we get there and maybe we should think about it a little more before we do.

Do you mean 18 hours later? Or that it cost you $18,000 to get back to camp? Or is 18K a term for something I'm unaware of?

why is taking LSD on your own a 'huge risk'? some of my most profound inner experiences were by myself on LSD, and i've remained a fairly normal, well-adjusted person.

I can read just fine...just amazed that so many people haven't wised up to the fact that IE sucks and has sucked for years.

1997? My parents still have one of these, which came out in 1982.

I was hoping I wasn't the only one who saw this. The entire sculpture is a disgrace, but putting the 0 and 1 this just DUMB.

It seems anathema to everything Jobs tried to do with technology: to simplify, refine, and perfect. It's sloppy, obtuse, irregular, and disquieting.

It's a pathetic attempt at art, and should be universally reviled.