
"They’ll go to those parties—have the lights down low—only those parties where women can go." This piece about lesbians in 1920s Harlem is a great read.

I like my version better. ;)

And it's not just that. It's that these people don't give a shit about said "precious life" is once it's born! They slash school lunch programs, food-stamp programs, welfare programs, before- and after-school childcare funding, and the list goes on and on.

I wrote a lovely email to Representative Villalba who stunned us with the charming story of his wanted son, which had everything to do with women's rights.

I'm an F cup...and a lot of my friends are much smaller than me with bigger cups. They have not been groped or asked if they are real. So your mileage may vary on that one.

I agree, thought the male horror of menstruation can come in quite handy at times. In my 20s, I could sneak pretty much anything I wanted into concerts and similar venues where they searched you going in, because all I had to was throw a box of tampons on top of everything else. The security guard would inevitably

I'm trying to imagine this blogger doing a review. "And then Gigi completely took off his trousers and underpants and you could see his exposed swim-suit area. Then he squatted down on the stage and pulled an audience member by the hair so their face was close to his down-there business. He then stuck an instrument

Menses are the final frontier in polite conversation. Some of my male friends who would have no problem talking about taking a dump are vehement about not wanting to know about my dirty monthly disaster.

I support separating restrooms by people who pee on the seat and people who don't pee on the seat.

Seriously, it's shitty to assume only women change babies' diapers. I love the IKEA set up, where they have a mens, womens, and "family" bathroom that's big enough for the stroller, changing table, and you can actually move around in it!

I assume they allow you to select your own diver for dinner.

That poor little baby! Can't you see what a poor little baby he is?

Also, just for the record? You can easily dismiss any of little Miss "I know black women, so I can totally say there's no racism in feminism! Shut up, actual people of color, if you're not willing to dance for me!" comments that are direct replies to you. Which you probably already know, but just in case. Less

No, I understand you just fine. You are denying that there is a systematic problem with racism in feminism, and that is complete bullshit. Let me just say that again: The idea that there isn't still a huge and systematic problem with race within the feminist movement is complete and utter bullshit.

Cute little piggy.

Someone just pick it up and cuddle it already! Okay, I'll do it.

Who cares? With a baiting opener like that, I'd be willing to bet it's classic MRA bullshit. I just want to know for sure.

@PoisonPixie: Man, little did I know that having a preschooler would prepare me for a career of international espionage! Here I am, CIA, and I'm IMPERVIOUS to Dora! I laugh at Elmo! I find the WonderPets amusing! Ha ha ha ha ha!