
Damn, I have to re-reply because I cannot edit my original.

Observations: As the haka starts, the camera cuts to Beyonce giving a snarly face, fluttering her hands on her chest, and her hair being held up and out.

Wikipedia is not a scholarly resource.

Actually, the whole point was that he treated these women as fetishes, and fetishised their deaths. That's what serial killers do. ... And filming it and masturbating to it is the very definition of torture porn!

I embrace you all, and I am happy that your birthings didn't kill you. Preeclampsia with HELLP, everyone! Woohoo!

GRRRRRRRR When filming dancers, always show their feet!!! I would have fired the camera director.

Hmm, you're right, untrainable doesn't belong here, because for sure you can train men to act like civilised beings, but still, when the lust is sparked they inevitably turn into hormonally-controlled man beasts. I probably meant irredeemable.

To be sure, hot guys in their 30s don't require a lot of chasing... but it's amazing how willing they are to get down with pudgy, middle-aged ladies. (I don't mean to say you're pudgy. I'm the pudgy one they're hot for.)

We don't have enough info to make value judgements. The not-so-good-looking-girl "tries to score dates" with hot guys, but we don't k know if she feels entitled to it. Therapy isn't helping, but we don't know what the therapy is for. The writer's own bias seems to be that the nsgl-girl needs to lower her standards,

I think that if someone is genuine, it conveys itself through eye contact, body language, tone, etc. I'm regularly sarcastic, but when I compliment someone, they never seem to double-guess or distrust me, so something about my manner of delivery must indicate my sincerity. Thank goodness, because I really do mean it

I don't know if you're male- or female-identified (or either) but I'd think that the fact you're not saying something vaguely or explicitly sexist, and that you're not following them slowly in your car or holding up the line while trying to get someone's number is an indication of your good faith.

The majority of tweets to @EverydaySexim are from the UK, and they are some of the nastiest things I've ever read.

Well I, for one, will just relax all this polite nonsense and start treating male hominids like the uncivilised, untrainable, dangerous beasts that they are.

My very first thought on scanning the article was, "Exactly how much privilege does this woman have?"

HollabackHollaback doesn't seem to have effected a sea change in street interactions, so I don't hold out much hope.

This is so fucking brilliant, and I love those kids.

There is no solid link that has been proven between vaccinations and ADD/ADHD and other Learning and Attention Disorders.

Oh, I totally agree. Kubrick's films weren't... they just weren't very good. I've always been "whatevs" whenever I've had to see one.

Whoops, don't know how that happened. Thanks for the correction! Can't do anything about your age, though ;)

There's a specific reason for that - showing male genitals in the early nineties was a surefire "X" rating, and the producers needed the "R" version if they wanted mainstream release. And yes, it didn't matter that there was rape in it, for which I blame the patriarchy.