
I'm so sorry for your loss. Poor kitty.

Mine is ten. Still can't tie his shoes, hates writing, and can crochet a really long chain, but not much else. I'd say your guy is doing fine.

Argh I just wrote a thing with awesome parental insults and lost it ›:(

What. The. Everlasting. Fuck. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope he gets his tie caught in a revolving door.

Thanks very much. I did search, but there's so. much. info. to go through. :)

Seven other guys? Good gracious. Do they *all* pee on the toilet?

Honestly, (and I'm half-ashamed to admit it) sometimes I make stuff up. He's 10 now, so not a lot gets past him, but when he was younger, I'd do it when his questions became really annoying, or when the opportunity was too juicy.

I'm rather new to Jez, and I'm hoping someone can fill me in on why Doug Barry posts ALL THE THINGS on a Sunday or holiday Monday. Are the Jez writers enjoying their weekends? Please tell me that's what they're doing.

HOLY SHIT. I KNOW, RIGHT? I don't even bother having the tv on with him in the room anymore, because he's all "Who is that? Is s/he the actor that was in that show we saw last year? So kid and I were at the store and I was going to get you cottage cheese but they didn't have 2% blah blah blah (ringring) Hello? Oh hey


I'm comfortable with calling myself a "benevolent misanthrope."

Well it's much cheaper than many homes is Vancouver; and it's two-for-one. I'd do it.

My hubz, who is Vancouver born-and bred, has a theory about Vancouver Island that applies equally to the Maritimes:

Newfie joke: de rigeur in any discussion about regional Canadian differences. Sigh.

It makes me SO MAD that this shit still happens more than 20 years later. I was at Waterloo when the Queens thing went down; then that winter, some UW fuckups had the same signs at a hockey game. And the campus paper got criticized for publishing a pic of them on the front page. "OH NOES YOU'RE SHAMING THEM."

I suppose I wasn't really answering your question, because I was thinking of legal definitions. In Canada, we don't have a legal term for "rape" - it's "sexual assault," which covers far more than just penetrative contact. Any non-consensual touching of a minor (with narrow exceptions for closeness of age) is a

Same. Fucking. Thing. Waterloo, circa 1989. 1989.

It's sexual assault, and considering its association with underaged teens, then probs yes.

Just curious, but when was your schooling? Mine was Ontario mid-seventies to late eighties, and there was no mandate at the time to include our treacherous history. One of my friends took gr. 13 (we still had it then) history and they touched briefly on that, but it was still mostly about the French/English struggle

We know that. However, you cannot pretend that the ones who stayed enjoyed immense, immense prosperity at the cost of "new world" lives and resources.