
The ending does seem stolen from you it is clear that there has to be more to it. I did like build out your character different (Mage is by far the best with the amazing spell creation) And the use of different companions and unlocking there own special combo moves.

Im currently playing through it.. wow it is impressive I could see it being sold as a actual DLC/standalone game.

Dude I love little bits!

Dude I love little bits!

I really really liked Tyranny on my third playthrough I just wish it was a bit longer. Compared to Pillers it was rather short.  

I know I might cause a shit storm but Im glad Witcher won over Fallout 4. It was just a better RPG the world was filled with great characters and writing and felt alive.

I like the idea and hope the next trailer gives us more info.

Semi off topic but Why isnt there a PS4 Pro bundle with FF XV? Do they not want to move the new system? Arent they afraid that PS4 owners wont upgrade to pro?

Does anyone know if you can adjust the size of the meteors. Id love to have a huge one fall into my city then we rebuild in the crater making a megaton city.

There is so much indie crap, I use to look at the coming soon and be like oh cool next year theres a game I want. Now its like wow there are about 42 games releasing tomorrow.


Could they not find one gay guy? They have the best advise on fashion.

This is good. Lets hope someone is also working or a Theme Hospital game also. Already got my new Roller Coaster game, New REAL Sim city game.


But the level is meaningless right? Its just E-peen

Another non issue. The rewards are no way game breaking the loot given out and potions are weaker then in game potions and gear.

That one bombing clip looked like it could of been show on the history channel if it still did that...

“Do not be afraid your shout will not harm us” Proceeds to die of hypothermia.

Id pay for a Gadgetzan re do... A goblin Las Vegas during the 1950s gangsters gambling fighting! Currently in game is just some dusty town with no purpose.

Its time for the Lance Vance Dance!!!

Wow what a non issue.