
I like this bring me more of these cow boys.

Does lol have replys yet?

This looks amazing, I hope with all the pretty new graphics they dont lower the amount of people you can have fighting at one time. I like my big battles.

Im so exicited! This and wastland 2 were so good I want more.

Looks pretty good I guess, Since were not getting space battles at least theres this.

Eh this looks like a xpac I might skip. The woohooing in closest looked cool.

Fell is love with this game when they did there kickstarter. Its got a bioshock vide going. Glad I donated when I did.

Revenge of the Titans is great! One of my favorite tower defense games. Its tough as shit maybe thats why people are returning it.

I wonder if that airship there is one of the brotherhood used when coming over from the west coast.

I cant believe people fell for this AGAIN! From the start it showed that it was going to be a mobile title with gems and lots of clicking not to mention it was being made by that hack of a game dev.

Dude I love Roach I was in Novagrad and got off to go and buy a merchant for gwent cards when I came back Roach had walked on his own down the block to a water fountain to drink. It was pretty awesome that they added little things like that.

This is a joke right? This is some kind of facebook game or tablet thing. Why is it called Civilization?

Ubisoft is now on my shit list. They have ruined any rep they had with me. I will now wait at least 3 months before even looking at another game by them. Its a shame really.

No need to be rude. I have tons of friends just no way for four people to play on one computer. This is another wasted game no online player mode makes this game useless.

"it supports 4-player local multiplayer" Really they missed out on that. Why isnt it online multplayer?

If ubisoft doesn't want to sell their game on Steam that's fine put it on GOG or some other no client seller. I do not want to have Steam, Orgin, Uplay client on my PC at once.

I hate when they pull this shit. On the disc DLC come on!

Id buy it just for the figures.

I dont care what other people say Im calling this "new 3ds" Super 3DS.

"I'm gonna crumb I'm gonna crumb!"