
Its gotten alot of help funding wise from twitch streamers. But yes people love them some dwarf fortress that looks good.

Good... tried of these Free to play games. Also no campaign what is this.

EA has been on my no play no pay list for a 2 years now. I do hope one day they start doing better, I would love to finish the Mass Effect series.

What do these bots things do exactly? like do dailys for you and such?

aww man was pretty entertaining then the wub wub music started. I dont want to sound like an old man but I hate that noise.

Ive played the game it is really bad. Wow didn't know this game was kickstarted what a pile of crap. I

Its pretty fun I would love to be able to station archers along the walls. All they do is bunch up at the tower. Cant even keep the workers in the walls at night.

Blaine looks like he owns slaves. just saying

This online stuff just seems like extra Im really enjoying the single player. If I go and play the online part maybe I will wait till it gets better.

Looks good but I would have to try it out but I don't think I would be able to use this to play FPS or Dota type games, Looks good don't get me wrong I cant wait to get one.

I think this price point is right on target. From what I read this expansion will add a lot of fixes and new content I will be coming back to Diablo III for it that's for sure.

That is favorite double fine game I wish there was another one or some expansions.

Even though I already own it for the PS3 Im going to be buying it again for the PC I love the mods people make for these types of games.

I have backed over 12 projects most of them games and have yet to be burned by one. Im sure at least one of them will fail but that's just how it is there are no guarantees.

This actually looks pretty cool. I want to purchase this game, so ... dam what do I do where should I buy it lol.

I thought this died? When is Kotor 3 coming out.

The game sounds great. Im glad they were able to show something already I was worried about how it would look.

Im going to get one, I like trying new things and right now there is no real good controller for the PC.

I didn't quite like what I saw, It just looks to simple.. why cant the people mine rocks and cut down trees why is their cards? I know this game is coming out for tablets but I would hope they made the PC version with the PC in mind. I also don't like the weird square viewer thing, why cant I get a full view option my