
Wow very good I thought the guy was being a coward but in the end he was being a hero. That was a great trailer.

Yea I like that one, Though I wish the owl was a bit bigger.

Im just impressed that this guy did this on his own.

Anyone with money is a entitled turd bucket.

Its a nice courier don't know why you would post about it now. The spider one is quite cute and was just recently released.

Your kidding me right a fu#$ing mobile game... What a joke.

Oh man I cant wait til this game comes out. I hope Ubisoft doesn't do anything to this game I don't like. /cough Uplay...

I thought HR was good I only really didn't like how they handled the boss battles this time around. Im looking forward to the next game.

They way I kept up with PC gaming is search the web for good deals on parts. I would use Slickdeals, Dealswoot, Newegg and even amazon sometimes has PC parts of sale. With those sites and some lucky sales I found some parts to make my PC cheaper. Though now in days I don't need to look so much thanks to a good job

Why shouldn't you use control panel?

It was well hidden. Microsoft doesn't want windows 8 user to touch the control panel.

I think they flock to console because its easier to just play. I myself love keeping my PC cleaned and looking for deals to get upgrades for my PC. With just a little effort I bet all console players would upgrade to PC.

Yea same here GMG is always giving out the good deals.

Green man gaming always making PC games ever cheaper. Love those guys.

I took me a solid 20 mins to find the dam control panel. I ended up giving up and looking online for the answer. I have been using and building my own PCs for 15 years. I'll gladly wait for them to release a proper windows OS just like I ended up waiting for Windows 7.

I am so sold on the rift I can wait till its consumer version comes out.


Microsoft.... When will you learn to play nice with the Gamer PC community.

They couldn't pay me to use windows 8. My brother who knows nothing about computers has a new laptop with windows 8, I couldn't do anything worth a dam with it.

Ive never used IndieGoGo before, does anyone know the difference between this and Kickstarter. I have helped fund about 6 video games and 1 table top game just all on kickstarter though.