What what what!
Do you have a link to the article in which its speaks?
What what what!
Do you have a link to the article in which its speaks?
I was hoping for the Portuguese to be the new civ. I guess I can roll with the Brazilians for now.
New robot style hats are coming. That is all.
No one is forcing you to purchase them. Its a Free update. Stop pissing in my lemonade and let me play my TF2.
Same here I was looking for those exact movies, your just missing kikis delivery service.
Ive had some bad luck with turtle beach headsets. I had two and they fell apart with in a month of each other. Not to mention the shitty mics they use. Im loving my Gamecon from plantronics through.
Its a shame. I will wait till its on a steam sale and pick it up for like 20 bucks plus all the DLC. This is how gamers should handle things like this. Do not buy it at launch, do not pirate it just wait til its on sale for a great price. Stop pirating stop giving publishers an excuse.
I loved how the skeletons.. I mean rebels and storm troopers shot each other and fought with each other. It was pretty funny if you know have played the game long enough to tell which AI was used for each character. Also loved the villager/C3P0 freaking out and running around.
So what if you look silly using one. You will most likely use it at home safe from pickpockets and douche bags calling you a nerd. Now if this thing looked like a literal bag of dicks on your head then sure I would mind.
This game is quite good looking and I dont just mean the graphic. Im in love with the idea of in game talking with your co-op player. They got my 40 bucks.
I knew he looked familiar. lol I never did save that guy always went with the reporter lady.
Now this is a city building game. Any word on if theres a kickstarter or some sort of founder pre-order. Id gladly pay 30 bucks for this.
So why is there a delay between releases? Better not be Microsoft paying for exclusivity again.
Im so glad I decided to pass on this sim city. EA needs to learn how to make better games.
I love all the little animations that come from people who watch Game Grumps.
My lachesis is still working after 5 years! I also played quite alot of wow and dota over the years. I wouldnt mind getting a new one though the plastic bumpers on the bottom have been filled down to nothing lol.
Pfff I donated and voted for dead state, Gamers want more zombies and they will get it.
Awesome both dead state and Death inc got green lit both of the kickstarter games I donated to.