
Game of the Year means nothing now. Its a sticker that just makes customers think its good. Its a shame some people are having problems with the walking dead. I did not and I can tell you it was my game of the year, the story and its characters were amazing.

Had no idea there was any problems with the PC version of the game. Mine ran perfectly and it was a amazing ride.

Mine does maybe that explains why my play through was perfect no bugs or save errors.

Im not sure what you want me to tell you. Is there anything on Kickstarter that shouldn't be there? Maybe but why would kickstarter put a limit on whats considered a worth while project. In the end its up to the people if they want to donate to a certain project. If the persons project fails to get funded I'm sure

I could see this little box force the other consoles to start thinking more digitally. Sony has been doing quite well with there PlayStation Plus. But the majority of games on the console is still physical.

Oh man I love Bobs burgers. Greatest EP was when Bob was stuck in the wall the whole time.

Steam has been giving what gamers wanted since Microsoft abandoned the market years ago. Not sure what you are going on about.

How is it out of hand though?

Well so what. If you don't like it you don't have to fund it. If someone does decide to help those guys out I'm sure they know what there getting into. I just don't know why you care that some poor film student is asking for funding for his lame movie.

Oh wow I didn't know chivalry was a kickstarter I love that game.

I think hes saying that the its done but in his mind he had alot more for it.

Im not sure what you mean but out of hand. But from what Ive seen it works many projects on kickstarter have been successful. Im not sure what kickstarter could do to make it not bother you anymore, If I were you I would maybe write a letter to them explaining your problem, that or I would just stop trying to ruin a

I funded FTL and a small local bakery both were successful.

Well I disagree it was the game of the year.

Not sure what game you played but the war z I player was garbage. Most of my games started me with a guy bashing my face in with a flashlight. The rest was me sneaking around zombies til I find a gun. Didn't like Day z didn't like War Z.

Well after Microsoft abandoned PC gaming, Valve started supporting the PC market. Boom instant money hell Im not sure PC gaming would be what it is if it were for Valve. Finding "awesomeness" outside and funding it to make a full game isn't a bad thing. If anything the indie developers now and days are making some

Thats a bit much. From what Ive been seeing of the console market they could use another opponent to push them forward. The last Gen console has been here to long already.

"let's hope those were some strange experiments and they figured out how to write a (somewhat) decent story." Did you play the walking dead the story was amazing!

I played Back the the future it was good not as good as walking dead but no way was it "mutilated"

Heck yes, the story and its characters were so well written.