
not really Steam sells the hell out of indie games. Plus its one of the largest places to reach out to PC gamers.

I found that having 12 gigs of ram solved my lag issues online.

Yea I also fell for that trap.

It did flop they lost so much money now they hope to make some of it back with going free to play.

Funny thing is Valve inst forcing all the PC gamers onto using Steam. PC gamers are the ones flocking to Steam.

So since this is now getting into low gear, anyone heard anything about a kotor 3? maybe make some of there money back?

Alright If this works and runs pretty well Ill give Origin that. From what Ive seen Steam doeskin do this. But then again for me I don't stream so this doesn't sell Origin to me. But hey Origin keeps this up and keeps adding more features that are useful to gamers I'm sure it will wrestle away Steam users or at

Thats true but hay! Im not picking her for a mate if you know what I mean?

"Although her eyes are sexy" Pfft she aint no Olivia wilde.

I just cant find that chick attractive, must be all the tattoos.

I know its only for 30 days but this stuff just pisses me off. Im more mad at Beth for taking the deal.

Just get rid it of it man. try to get as much money as possible for it and aim for the PC version.

Finally this looks like a proper DLC that we have come to know and love from Beth. A new area more story. Don't get me wrong dawngaurd was nice it just didn't have anything new to explore.

Exactly that's the only way company's can learn.

Im surprised it took this long to go down. You want gaming news look no further then the talents that are on Youtube.

X-COM is very good besides the camera problems on PC its a solid game. Havent played sleeping dogs but I bet you steam x-mas sale its going to be there.

I think Window 7 Pro has a xp pro mode, Havent had to use it myself.

Windows 7 is very good, If you can you should try to upgrade to it. otherwise yea the modding community picks up the slack on these type of things.

I cant believe people still don't see this coming.