thats a shame. Another great single player game lost to the "streamlined" way of games now and days.
thats a shame. Another great single player game lost to the "streamlined" way of games now and days.
Well as a customer. Apology not accepted. You take your crap DRM and shove it.
Lets hope other company's see that Always online DRM is not the answer to piracy.
Its called Blizzard All stars.. great name
[] they you will fine a bunch of help and reiview on everything for PC.
If your just going to play the games at home make it a Desktop its loads cheaper and will be more powerful then a laptop. Also for the love of god build it your self its cheaper and always more powerful then the pre built ones from alienware (shudders)
he might be talking about the FOV. Ive read a bunch of complaints about it on the steam forums.
yea there is no orgin at all on my game but try out the demo first also one steam.
If I didnt get this game free for my wow annual pass Id be pissed. You know what I am pissed this is the reason I hate ubisoft so much this type of DRM is a kick in the face to real customers. while Pirates are happily playing the game since yesterday, Why should I be a paying customer again?
dont be rude.
It needs to be on adult swim so I can watch it when I get off from work.
It adds split screen. that's about it
I remember people making trade worlds just to get them filled while they did meph runs. Not sure if that was really scamming but I though it was funny.
theres your problem right there your playing a game on a mac lolwtfbbq. just kidding
Yea same for me you cant really get a PC game around here. Thankfully there's Steam, GOG, Amazon and GamersGate.
"I remember spending hours calculating optimal builds and skill placement in D2. I remember doing math on the fly about MF% ‘magic find' or CtB% ‘chance to block' or HP to MP ratios for the perfect PvP mana-shield sorceress. Teach the next generation of Diablo players how to do math instead of doing it for them."
dont make games like that anymore.. well they kinda did with DAO but they they stopped.
Started reading and saw "Ubisoft" there's the problem right there do not buy games from Ubisoft please they need to learn that this way of using DLC is wrong. Stop giving there money they don't learn any other way.
but you cant get any mods... vanilla minecraft is boring as poop.