
Hopfully if they bring back all the things from the first game I might buy it and play it. Other wise there not even worth my time. And no I will never pirate it.

I never promoted Pirate. I hate pirates more the the big named company. Because it gives them a reason to say this. So don't put words in my mouth.

I disagree and the my other brothers from another mother have decided to not move on.

If you have no friends Orcs must die is for you. Its also pretty funny

exclusives are bullshit. Even though Im not effected by this one I feel your pain.

I thought we "the internet" destroyed this guy already. Why is he still not in his place yet?

Same. Any game that required GFWL I don't even bother with it. My only exception was Fallout 3 and even then what a headache to log in.

LOL that's a great idea see how many people actual care about the game and see if it will get funded. Hell id pay for the game to not be mad.

"We made a PC version of Bulletstorm, and it didn't do very well on PC and I think a lot of that was due to piracy. It wasn't the best PC port ever, sure, but also piracy was a pretty big problem."

I own three copy's of the game one signed by the creators plus loads of other goodies. I'm not sure what your complaining about. If you don't want to fund it then don't.

Then you don't get to play many games. Stop complaining about a problem you can fix yourself.

geeze man it was like 3 bucks.

Steam is so good people dont even see that it is DRM. Hence the love for all things Gaben

After being spoiled by the PC version I cant even look at the 360 one.

whats in your bag? Ive always wanted to know what to put in one?

Didn't Kevin smith do something like this to fund clerks? This guy must really have a good idea if hes willing to sell off his treasures!

LOLOL you win 2 Internets.

yes consoles are pretty simple to use. /flameshield 105%

Looks good Once again indie devs giving me games that AAA company's cant seem to do.

LOL at you!