
so much for console being easier to release and support games on. /troll

I would ask for death. Its not like those two are any use alive anyway.

Now this looks like a game Id like. more and more Indie devs are making the games I like. These Triple A company's need to take note of that. Most of my game purchases have been indie and its not for a lack of cash.

no sale for me Ill just go play something else.

Wow just wow Sim city is a PC game, steam is where PC gamers buy there games. Why isnt this on steam. Also come on with this shitty DRM system I do not buy games that require a constant internet connection.

oh come on is this a Uibsoft game WTF.

Is kotaku going to cover this game or just talk about the cover?

Yup sure wish companys still made RPGs. now its all Adventure FPS and action shooter games. yup sure wish there was a thing called RPGs still.

Same I hated how I was forced to be some human. To be given so many choices in the first game to then be forced to play one person made no sense to me. When they make there DAIII I will not be per-ordering ill wait this time I keep getting burned. Its a shame really Bioware was in my top 3 favorite game company's.

I agree.

wow bioware just wow. You have a your answer already look at what you did with DAO and repeat it! Add in a new story new chars some new spells and classes bam you just made millions.

Looks like skipping ME3 was the best gaming decision I made all year so far...

good job promoting the obvious troll.

I thought for sure they would already be one out didnt they say there was going to be four dlc/expansions.

Dont bother with him hating on wow is the new "thing" to do.

future of PC gaming truly belong to Apple? HA! Maybe if the next three versions of windows are complete crap. When vista came out it didn't kill off PC gaming, PC gaming stayed on XP Pro it was stunted of course but it didn't go anywhere. If windows 8 flops like vista gaming will just be held back again but I don't

I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE HEYYYOOOO. no but seriously I liked caprica it wasn't that bad.

Hell yes looks good. I kinda liked there other prequel wasnt to bad not enough action but it was watchable. This one looks like its going to be kick ass. I cant wait

Dont worry once its released on the PC both of those versions will become outdated. /PC-Trolling

OOO lets hope they do the PC right. Put it on steam have real graphic settings allow console use. Id buy it hell Id buy two.