
@Slinkytech: But BP sells to EVERYONE. If you buy from Exxon, or Shell, or anywhere else, you're just getting a bit of BP oil mixed with other companies and with a pretty label.

@mangonights: I'm not gonna argue that freediving and snorkeling aren't the best way to get in touch with the ocean (except maybe for rebreathers) but scuba has its benefits as well. Getting people to care is the best way to preserve our oceans.

@Maave: Probably a combination. E.g. they cut down power use so they could use the more efficient DC lines.

@Joel: AFAIK, it's ok in proper prose fiction and nonfiction to have short paragraphs. They just do that in elementary to keep you from writing a five-sentence paper.

Ok Mr. Author, I like this article, and Wired.

Ok Mr. Author, I like this article, and Wired.

@infmom: They sometimes make cables for non-smartphones. There's software to pull contacts and export them in CSV.

@mr ziege: Hello, and welcome to Gawker! Here we appreciate clear, concise, and rational discourse. Please use complete words and sentences and punctuation, unless you are using misspellings and/or bad grammar and/or poor punctuation to prove a point or set up a joke. Profanity is acceptable here, we're all adults (at

@Nitesh Singh: No disrespect, but what is their income? I mean, if a church has non-charitable income and/or expense, sure, tax them. But most if not all of the money churches have comes from donations such as collection or titers.

@lewis82: The iPad wants 10W, though.

@lewis82: No, USB Spec nominal wattage is 2.5W, High Power is 9W.

@srwight: I heard it in *Year of the Black Rainbow*, and if Claudio Sanchez says it, it must be true!

@KamWrex: And then you can't get to sleep in time to correct your circadian rhythm. It sucks, no?