
@chiieddy: Walk away and wait 28 seconds.

@Meetloaf13: 28 second after he leaves the range of his reciever,it relocks.

nano ftw.

never mind, it's back up.


@eggs: 7.10 can't be out until october, you mean 7.04

I'm not impressed until:

@computerjoe: ATI cards and linux are notoriously bad with limux, have you tried xgl/beryl?


@middy: No, they won't. not at all.

True story:

Have a zune, love it to death!

* Huggles grml and realizes everything else is infireor. Uhntil he sees that Backtrack cd over there* Backtrack and grml are my picks, lthough your linux-fu needs to be real good to use them.

Or there's always No3... Avalanche locators, small pda-like devices used by skiers, can locate each other from large distances, as well as set off an alarm to alert the child where to go.

try doppler and portable VLC

"yes, I did get the memo"



also, you can hide mp3s in .gifs. use the same method as zip and play it with winamp

*cough*mandriva free 2007*cough*