
I’ve done this before at a few Cubs games. Haven’t figured out how to post on Youtube yet so I think I’m safe.

New York: We’re savages in that box.
Colorado: Hold our artisanal dry-hopped 8 ounce taster.
*beans NY in the chin*
*throws bats at NY*
Colorado: It seems they’re savages in that box.

Maybe you need to stop protecting racists under the guise of “BU-BU-BUT THEY’RE NOT STICKING TO SPORTS!” For you to come in here and basically yell “stick to sports!” when the conversation is about the President being a racist prick, you’re tacitly advertising the fact that you, too, are a racist prick who is too

You have never, ever watched or listened to Le Batard’s show.

Politics?  Your hole in the sand misses your head.  Best get back to it.  

And those people, can fuck right off.  If he was spouting Orange Foolius’ talking points you’d call him a hero.

when the nation’s federal government has been hijacked by a minority faction of hillbilly fascists, yes. everything. how can you advocate otherwise? 

If you watching the Le batard show for scores and highlights instead just using your phone like the rest of the people on earth then you have some major problems.

If you’re listening to Le Batard for “scores and highlights” all I can say is “You don’t get the show”.

He took 5 minutes at the end of a 3 hour show to express his opinion.

This is a big freaking deal.

Get over yourself. 

I sometimes absent-mindedly turn on ESPN radio on my drive home because that time slot used to be graced by Le Batard and then Bomani Jones, and then hear that shitheel Will Cain for about 2 seconds before I change the station. Cain, by the way, is not ‘not political’ either, he’s a fucking GOP shill. Kudos to Dan,

I absolutely love Le Batard, because he gets it. His show with Stugotz is stupid, irreverant, and not at all serious. Just like Sports. They understand that none of this stuff actually matters, and they give sports news all of the respect that it has earned, which is to say none at all. Instead they have fun, because

So you’re saying he’s fired by Monday morning?

Come to Dallas. Dale Hansen would make you proud.

I mean... we’re not all stuck in Boston 

LeBatard is one of the most consistent, entertaining voices at ESPN. Suspending him would only confirm and reinforce everything he said. 

I’m feeling admiration for a sports talk host? What the shit is going on??

It’s fine and the people who complain about it are much more annoying than the thing itself.

his assessment of drink choices at a baseball game (probably 11 bucks for a beer and 12 for the mai tai) is spot on

It’s the former.