
A new Baldurs Gate, a new Armored Core and a new Alan Wake all in the same-ish timeframe.

Pokedex entries be like:

When a company makes an announcement like this, it reflects a decision they made, a decision in which Martinet likely had no choice. Hence, the word “force.” In the overwhelming majority of situations in the corporate world, work is offered to someone, not demanded by them. When that work is no longer offered, and an

Seems like an odd move to force for him at age 67. Either he’s having issues in the studio getting clean takes without straining his voice, or Nintendo is realizing that each new project means more and more money for his negotiated fees. I suppose it is a very Japanese thing to force an expensive employee into an

*internal screaming, and not the good kind*

I can hardly wait for a game to replace voice actors with AI voices :)

This is a situation where a smart corporation will turn an official blind eye, a wise corporation will give the guy a job, and a dumb corporation will send in the lawyers. Let’s see what Sony is.

No, I won’t be spending the “last weekend” of summer inside getting stoned out of my mind playing this banger and the Quake II remaster...definitely not.

FiveM/RedM while popular with RP Servers is not a “RP Community”. FiveM is a Server browser that allows mods, thats it. Theres racing community servers, survival servers, deathmatch servers, tycoon servers... RP just gets most views on Twitch hence the popularity.

Piracy is an even better value.

When I think about this topic, the videos that instantly come to mind are the Cryin’/Amazing/Crazy Aerosmith Videos with Alicia Silverstone & George Michael’s Freedom 90 w/ Cindy Crawford & every other supermodel of the moment. 

Surprised there is no mention of Aerosmith’s Crazy which featured both Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone. If Graham Chapman is an A-lister those two certainly are as well. 

Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone in Aerosmith’s “Crazy”, and Silverstone was in at least two other Aerosmith videos.

That was a very distinct product of its own, though. I’m talking about the stuff that is not far-removed from what they’re spiritual successors to. The things that are basically other things but are named something different.

The sequels had multiplayer? I had no idea.

Nine-Ball. It was always Nine-Ball. I beat Nine-Ball Seraph the first time i fought him in Masters of Arena, I thought he was a pushover. Subsequent play throughs really highlight how lucky I way because damn he fast.

You right.

I’d love a PvE co-op mode like in Daemon x Machina. I’m not holding my breath though.

If it makes you feel any better, it feels like the Delicious in Dungeon manga is going to finish within the next 6-12 months. By the time the anime starts, it should be pretty wrapped up.