
Samsung phones are not affected

Former AAA racing game dev here. To prevent this from working, we had to change the physics model to artificially add “wall glue” which built up over several seconds of contact. Otherwise you could carry way more speed through a short, sharp turn (like Martinsville) with smooth metal on wall slingshot vs worn tire on

As someone who actually worked QA for NASCAR 2005 for EA, this was not a good leap of faith to take.

it took me a ton of tries, but i made it through around 730 et.

Wow. Way to call ’em ...

Hiroyuki Imaishi, one of the founders of Studio Trigger, was the director for the first season when he worked at Gainax. 

I was goint to say that. 

That was a complete surprise.

Well, to me, anyway.

But if you want to talk about cliffhanger endings nobody saw coming...

Kazuma Kiryu Sakomoto Ryoma has NEVER KILLED A MAN - and he’ll kill anyone who gets in his way on his quest to prove his innocence!

France had a LOT of problems with that.

Hell they did it several times!

This is a headline news article about... a rehash of an anecdote that’s been known for years. You can find an IGN article that covered this back in 2014, and can probably go back farther if you so bother.

It’s the breathless treating this as something revelatory that I find so vexing.

Except “snuff” is typically used as an insert for death, as in they’ve “snuffed it”.

Final Fantasy isn’t the thing having issues with adapting, Square Enix management is the problem.

The game felt empty and unfinished and ended abruptly after a boss fight that felt anticlimactic and then had something like 20 different endings. Yep that’s some classic dysfunctional AA/AAA 2010s game development shit.

In 2022 can I sarcastically call you a porch [REDACTED BY GIZMODO MEDIA GROUP, USER ACCOUNT HAS BEEN BANNED, CITIZEN HAS BEEN SENT FOR RECONDITIONING] in this context and get away with it?

They’re rideable, though.

what a wacky demon in the header image that I have definitely never seen before

Ah that makes more sense. I guess it’s probably cheaper than building a custom chess arm, though maybe a piece of industrial machinery isn’t something you want near a seven year old lol