
The Monarchy or the removal of said nepotistic inbred circle?

France had no problems overthrowing their monarchy.

Why the police or Mystery Inc.? Batman and the Justice Sidekicks are right there.

Well it’s not like they could have called it “Prop Hunt: IN SPAAAAACE!!!”.

Pennsylvania is above the Mason-Dixon line, so it’s technically the North.

Nice to see Lenny Kravitz branching out into video games.

Gat out of Hell” had multiple endings. The restored Earth ending you mentioned started the “Agents of Mayhem” universe, which Volition confirmed is both non-canon and never going to be used again. One of the other endings was God directing them to a habitable planet for Humanity which was home to a war-loving alien

I’m hoping that there’s a plot twist where it’s actually the original Saints using the Zin’s holo-tech to roleplay as a new Saints crew while they’re traveling to whatever habitable planet was mentioned in “Gat out of Hell”.

So where does that leave the crossdressing community?

Since he lost all that weight he now has extra energy to power his swearing.

$20k can get you a lot of special hugs

I wonder if they’re ever going to make the Professor for the game a Gym Leader or the current League Champion. I mean Sada could be considered as being dressed as a Rock-type Gym Leader and Turo as a Steel or Electric-Type.

I’m going with insurance fraud.

The kid’s finger was on top of the piece, so it was broken by getting caught between the piece and the arm moving down to get it.

Now playing

It’s a standard industrial programmable manipulator arm, they lowered down the strength so it wouldn’t crush the pieces when picking them up.

But does the universal healthcare cover medical procedures like complex surgeries? Who pays for those?

Do manga artists have to pay for their own health insurance, or is that covered by the publisher as long as they have an active series with them?