
Maybe we can get Titanfall 3 as a surprise, perhaps?

Also: Dragon Quest

“Stop turtling, Smooth-skin.”

Now playing

InCase anyone cares here is the source for the second song quoted at the end of the article (apologizes if you’re not able to view it in your country):

Blame Disney and Sonny Bono for this legal shitshow.

It was about time for that tire to be taken off, the tread was pretty much gone.

Really? You didn’t put the better Adam Sandler football movie on the list?

The Harran Virus was a biological weapon that got loose. I bet if they had went with the “COVID is a Bio-Weapon” angle as well all those idiots would be fighting for their vaccine.

It’s Duke Nukem Forever-ing itself.


You can see in the reflection of the SUV’s window that the light is high enough and bright enough to highlight her body, unless his windows were over-tinted.

According to the Twitter post there was a Genshin Impact encore after the first one finished.

The Amazon Fire Lord will get to it soon.

The original game was based on the SARS outbreak, so maybe they’re going to release an updated version under the same name for the COVID pandemic?

And Navient still wins in the end, since they get to keep all that money they fleeced out of students, and don’t get prosecuted for it.

You forgot about Poyonetta.

Wait so the gun is named after that Ymir and not the original Ymir that Uncle Tom’d her bloodline so hard just so she could have a chance at getting laid by the asshole in charge of the whole thing?

Smash and Grabs have been going on hard during the past 6 months.