
The tongues may be clipping through the chins, but how do you explain the eyes?

They’re working on the affiliate links so they can get a percentage off of all crypto transactions.

Even in the U.S. “Fair Use” laws do not allow making money off of unlicensed goods based on other people’s IPs.

ID is owned by Bethesda, so I don’t think they’ll waste money on doubling down.

Flat colors help to hide the CGI mistakes.

Weird, Valve was showing a Q1 2022 release date from the start for the middle/higher spec decks. Maybe only the low-end decks got pushed back.

It would be a weird coincidence if this was the same gas station where an old guy stole prepaid gas from a TikTok’r while she was inside paying for it.

You’ll be able to redownload it as long as Bandai Namco doesn’t demand a total wipe like Konami did.


It’s official, Big Bird is the superior bird, as Mighty Duck Emilio Estevez refuses to get the vaccine.

Now playing

You mean Metal Gear Rising, Sam’s dropkick looks a lot like the one from the Gorilla-type Unmanned Gears that you encounter in the sewer level.



What does the “K” stand for in the acronym? Couldn’t find it in a web search, just links to articles mentioning the name, no official website or anything.

Is Doug flying out from Washington with a baseball bat to have a chat with his cousin?

It gets added to the queue behind the other game breaking exploits.

One button, but someone else was probably working the analog sticks.

For now

Hopefully nothing happens to your Switch.

You should have explained your numbering system. The first number is the order of the list, and the second number is the placement in the rankings.