
According to the majority owners, yes.


So can you confirm if those 2.6 out of 5 star ratings are justified?

Mana Games has a Hong Kong email address and I am not surprised.

Nah, you would have people lined up and some guy selling tickets for a turn with the door.

It’s an SCP, it’s the only logical explanation.

EA f’ked up too badly with the license (Battlefront 2) that Disney declined to renew the exclusivity rights with them.

So I looked up the company behind VPN Unlimited (KeepSolid Inc.), and they have headquarters in both the U.S. and Ukraine. Just keep that in mind if you want to place your trust in their security and privacy guarantees.

So I looked up the company behind VPN Unlimited (KeepSolid Inc.), and they have headquarters in both the U.S. and

This story was originally published by Giovanni Colantonio on 04/14/2021 and updated by Andrew Hayward with new information on 06/17/2020. 

This story was originally published by Giovanni Colantonio on 04/14/2021 and updated by Andrew Hayward with new

The E.M.M.I. in the video looks like the love child of Dog from HL2 and General Grevious.

He should have turned into Devil just to throw the rest of them off the cliff at once.

I checked the Wiki, he was originally Bat’s crotchfruit but grown in an artificial womb, because no maternity leave for Talia. Then he dies and Ra’s tries to clone him, which is where I think you got your info from.

Let’s hope they never have to explain where Damien Wayne came from.

I say it’s a spinoff where they’re in Hell being forced to relive the harmful actions they caused to other people (Brody kicking Vaas into the water pit instead of vice-versa).

There’s also Rabbid-Shyguys, one in the left foreground and one in the left background.

If you open the image in another tab you can get a better view of the character, and it seems to be a parody of JRPG protags, with the edge look and one-handing a giant Rabbid-themed greatsword. It’s also wearing eye-shadow, purple diamond earrings, and has long eyelashes, so it may be a female-cosplaying Rabbid like

Isn’t Hunk supposed to be Wesker’s kid too? I remember hearing that somewhere.

I’m surprised that there hasn’t be medical-grade panty masks made over there yet.

They should have hired the singer for King Dice’s in-game song.

Nah, if it was phishing then the victim takes the penalty and the IT group has to scramble to propose an upgrade to the security measures, maybe create another mandatory training video on how to spot phishing attempts/not download random things from the internet.