Wait, Dude Perfect is an actual thing and not just the usual Nerf naming convention for one of their products?
What sort of ID? Email? Driver’s License/Government ID? You think Sony is going to pay for confirmation of every ID card just to make sure they weren’t fakes? I can guarantee you the retailers aren’t going to drop a dime.
Sony and retailers don’t want to be liable for accepting full payment on something they may not be able to deliver in a reasonable amount of time, which would open them to lawsuits.
Nintendo continuing to kick the Smash Community while it’s down.
Kind of hard to pick up the rope if the Smash community is already hanging itself with it.
Sony probably told CDPR they’re on their own, so they now have to scramble to set up their own refund service and pay out of pocket.
You also have to remember this is part of the “realistic” Disney universe, meaning there were no cartoon gags occurring at that time to save her, like her just creating a body-shaped hole in the ground on impact and climbing back out of it.
Nah, the Disney Coyotes would have picked the body clean by now while singing a song.
From the Trivia section of: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Mrs._Goof
So you can turn down alcohol, but can you turn down for?
Funimation purchased them, not Sony itself? That does not bode well.