
I’m still trying to figure out how he got into False King Allant’s room (1-5). The Archstones are supposed to be 1:1 with each other except for his area, that’s why you need to beat an ArchDemon like the Dragon God (2-4) just to be able to fight the Penetrator (1-4). There is no corresponding Archstone Spawn for FKA

It’s not complete without Robin Shou.

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“This one blustery battle-day, I was inside a shield wall...and my wife entered the shield wall...nude...and started singing,” he said. “O...We were so very nimble in our minds and our ways.”

I was getting ready to comment that I was glad it wasn’t another mobile game.

Ha, I didn’t realize you posted the exact same comment two hours before me.

Was there a pendant as a starting gift? That would be hilarious if it was the solution.

Vaati and a few other people discovered that the item itself may have spawn conditions as well, as it didn’t appear in their initial playthrough of the game.

So Kodachi DBGT’d Boruto, so Kishimoto has to step back in to save it? Apparently Kodachi was so bad they had planned to save the series from him since the beginning.

But surely Skrillex’s music and the slow-mo gave you time to look around? /sarcasm

The character creator is actually good in this game.

We had a discussion about this in the other article, the Japanese market is only 8% of total Playstation sales. Businesses cater to the ones that give them more money, and that means the Western markets.

That was added to the article after I asked, hence Ian’s reply to me.

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Any bets on the replacement sound being the “Wilhelm Scream”?

Just to confirm, the first image is the no-filter one, right?

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I just remembered this, Nagoshi has no problems letting Kiryu force himself on a woman like he was James Bond in Goldfinger, but god-forbid one of them dares to fight him.

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Haruka can throw down just like Oji-san.

Maybe they should turn his every fight with a female character into a Keijo-style battle then.