
If we have to, overnight stolen parts from Japan...

Ahh now I know where that Supra came from...

All this because they didn’t want to spend the €300 ($335) per vehicle to have a properly functioning emission system in a cost cutting move.

I’m on board with the look, and the power. If it’s on a modified chassis from the Z34 like reports say, with newer materials it should stay close to 3200 lbs. That’s a killer power to weight ratio with right wheel drive. As long as it is able to come in at a decent price and have good reliability, I think it could

Once saw one someone crash into the front of an H&R block. Was in drive and not reverse, freaked out when they hit the gas and it lurched forward, then in a panic they mashed the gas until it jumped the curb and ran straight into the front of the building. Pushed the wall in nearly 3 feet. Thank god it wasn’t tax

I have zero sympathy for any large companies these days.

Dude, we only have, like, 7.5 billion years before the sun dies. That’s just not enough time to get solar power up and running...

I have zero sympathy for the oil companies. I have a little bit of sympathy for their employees.

We can only wish. Sure, government control is its own kind of monopoly, but one needs to choose the lesser evil at some point. Corporate American has shown its colors, and they are pretty bad at their jobs. 

I cooked some salmon in the office microwave. I apologized a hundred times, to no avail.

You’re always welcome to come and shit post on the old Oppositelock. Until you’re not.

Fun idea: Make the ships into Children’s COVID Hospitals. Smaller patients, easier to transport, and would generally think it’s a kickass idea to be ON A BOAT instead of in a boring, stuffy old hospital.

Eh, this was a “mistakes were made” apology.

Not too hard. You go back to being with the friends, relatives and social media groups that think like you that the US belongs to the glorious white race. Then some of those friends in high places hire you for a decent job, and after some time have passed, you may be back where you were with people commenting that you

I agree, this was handled as it should have been. 

Based on demographics he just locked up NASCAR’s Most Popular Driver award. About the only people not saying that word at a racetrack south of the Mason-Dixon Line are the drivers.

How do you come back from this? You apologize for a mistake, not for letting your true self come out, then again he was probably just trying to fit in. He’s sorry he let everyone else know who he is, he’s sorry he thought the mic was off, He’s sorry he won’t get paid now, he’s sorry he got caught but he can’t be sorry

It’s nice to see a legitimate apology (assuming he crafted it). He takes responsibility, doesn’t use weasel-words, concedes that his actions caused harm, and doesn’t make excuses.

I’m also glad there were consequences. 

He’ll still have a fanbase

Good. Regardless of intent, I’m always stunned when words like this are still in peoples’ vocabulary. It speaks volumes to one’s character.