
If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list.

He honestly doesn’t understand

My theory is that this is massive trolling. There’s nothing special going on in the cockpit, but Ferrari really wants Mercedes to think there is.

It’s not cheating until someone makes a rule that says it’s cheating. Until then it’s “creative interpretation of the rules”.

Clearly Ferrari doesn’t want us to see how many miles are added before they roll the odometer back at the end of each race. Gotta protect the collector value for an F1 car that only has 260km on it! 

“Fuck him and fuck all of them.”

If it’s not being played on Fox News, it’s longer happening.

Trump's most amazing power is convincing all those people living basically on the poverty line (if not well below) that they're just like him and every time he does something that fucks over the entire country (trade wars, rolling back environmental regs, etc.), it's a good thing because he's "triggering the libs."

> 3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths [...]. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. 

I read that blog before the comments got going. Just doubled back and yikes. Friday afternoon can’t come soon enough. Throw in angry Yinzers on the Bell stuff and probably some trash takes on JezSpin and yeah, I need to grab some beer tonight on the way home. Thank God tomorrow is a telecommute day.

I’ll give you $100 if he’s ever even heard of Anne Frank

This fuck face does not know the names of all his kids. You think he knows Anne Frank?

I hate the ‘Imagine If’ game, but imagine if a Democratic politician said that the death toll from 9/11 was inflated by Republicans so that they could have an excuse to invade Iraq.  Sean Hannity’s head would rage-explode.

Not going to happen. This is not a man who know anything at all about books that aren’t about him.

And this thoughtless, vile cruelty is a big part of his brand and why a large portion of this nation likes him.

The Republican Party - used to be about some it is about loyalty to a fucking moron. Unbelievable...and I bet not a peep from them. 

Ok, all I need is for him to say that The Diary of Anne Frank is a work of fiction and I’ll win Dipshit Bingo.

As we speak, Ferrari’s minions are trying to figure out who you are so they can ban you from owning one of their super-expensive, track-only, limited-use, one-off hypercar test mules. All because of your comment.

Yeah, but how many miles did it have before they rolled the odometer back?