
A gay man with nothing to prove would chose the burger.

I have to say good counter point, but then go on to argue (and agree at the same time). Depends on who you are offering the burger to, if someone is starving (hunger is lower need than sex, but usually not an issue) they will probably pick the burger. Just like the rockstar may pick a burger over sex (need for sex has

I dont understand the argument, If this is just some bidding war for genetic material, then maybe its skeezy, but if we are keeping it impersonal, she should avoid discussion. She is placing her faith in an unknown stranger. We dont have the details to know that this is a predatory move on the (soon to be uninvolved)

What you feel is messed up, others would call smart. If there is one area where people (especially women) should be able to discriminate, it is whom they have a child with and when (if at all). She probably might avoid someone in a wheelchair if given the choice, because she realizes it maybe an obvious burden she

Thank you for the replies.

How does the jurisdiction work with this? Does it depend on your location? (How would you demonstrate location on a VIoP call?) If no, does it matter what state a suit if filed in, or who is the caller vs callee?

This is what the optometrist (rented space at the nearby costco) gave to me as a reference, they were cheap (18bucks) , not bad quality for extremely generic glasses, the plastic does seem like it may be some what rigid. Shipping took 2.5 weeks.

(Istrasci) Thanks for the reply. Does anyone know if there is an alternate solution (a splitter for example (one dp input and 3 outputs for example) for older monitors that only have dp inputs, or is daisy chaining only usable with newer monitors?

I must not be understanding the posting above, what exactly did ashleystrain say (or imply) that you found annoying?

I wonder if that is like the sibling effect; pick on them (verbally in this case) but protect them from/with outsiders.

The bitter sweet bite of forced love. (Great observation btw)

A possible mentioned benefit of Alzheimer's? Just cross your fingers.

Silly nomadichorde, (Great job if silly is what you intended).

Do the monitors have pass through ports, and if not do you need some type of splitter?

Yeah, but at least they spent less time downloading them. amirite?

Where in the system was the pressure sensor? Did it guage resistance received by the motor? (I am sorry for the simple question, but I am unfamiliar)

When it comes to hiring programmers it seems like HR is often just hacks looking for (see crossing fingers and hoping to find) hackers.

Well, I can't complain twice. Do you need a visual aid? If so, please see the chart above (you might have to scroll a bit). Notice how each line, and only each line is labeled. Notice how the lines only appear every 100 units. If a value of 497 and 729 appeared on the graph, with out labels, how would you describe the

Only as paranoid as soldiers wearing bulletproof vests. (You shouldn't need it often, but when you do it will be a lifesaver).

Jesus, your really trolling me here. X is non defined, the fact that y gaps are actually represented by "actual units" does not change the spatial equation, I am sorry but it just doesn't.