
Yeah, that's why I'm asking you. Please read this as an honest question and not as a lawyer 'gotcha' question. What evidence in particular made it clear that she was lying?

"Isn't that stripper maybe afraid for her job? Admitting a colleague got raped by some clients would probably get you fired."

So here is an idea for a dating service, dont charge for a profile, charge the member to send messages to other members, and pay a % to the member receiving. At least that way you make a little for your time, and know the offensive other parties. Shoot even allow an offended penalty (referring to body parts, or sexual

What a silly comment. Its the blind leading the blind. Do read the comments above.

I had a roommate who spent a month and proved otherwise. I know I could never do it, but my roommate did.

(credit to google image search)

Oh I didnt watch the video. Yeah bullying people that pose no threat, or exploiting others is usually a shameful thing. I like to tell myself thats why I avoid reality TV (that and the fact that it is anything but reality).

She could get addicted to drugs and then do celeb rehab (if that is still a thing), but the drug bill will be much larger than any potential paycheck. She could try to get a job as an anchor on foxnews, but I think you are supposed to keep your tapes hidden to do that.

Could someone please write how they would see her using (misusing this word), I could really use a good laugh, and I feel like there is gotta be a comedy gem in there somewhere.

This person is a low caliber whore, not because of what she was paid to do, but because she has no self, she will be or do whatever she thinks will get her a paycheck, and she will do an awful job at that. She has no class or character (this is what makes her boring and resented) of her own.

Do you really think she should try something else? I read this as actually saying "Please Go Away", which is fine, I think that what most think. BUT, If NOT please do share your ideas (good comedy can be hard to find).

Somehow I feel like the story is an unusually appropriate metaphor for Farrahs existence. You see the bat (Farrah) stumbled in threw an open window (MTV) into a bedroom (reality fame) and was amazed at the deceptive size (attention) and brightness of the room (small paychecks), but was almost immediately scooped up

It seems I should have clarified I am not debating you, my questions aren't intended as a challenge, I am simply curious. Shoot you could probably even argue smoking tobacco would be more inappropriate. I just found it interesting that it happened at ceremony, but I think that is something that you would more likely

From someone who is married, (aside from completely disregarding science) this is terrible advice.

Are length and width co-related, if not, mass and capacity become a more difficult match.

He can help you with that.

Not all animals are the same. Male dolphins are basically rapists by nature and sexually assault human(s) females (fixed for accuracy) with surprising frequency. Sometimes 2 male bottle nosed dolphins will kidnap a female dolphin and keep her for a few weeks, taking turns copulating with her. Also, it's not unusual

Does your friend label himself a "Republican" or a "Libertarian"? I only ask because the individuals I know as you describe your friend, self label as the second. (Not that it really changes much).

What is different now, vs before (physically) other than the fact that you are/were lactating? Do you feel different emotionally? Does it affect appetite?

I wasnt concerned about size, I am curious about state (for example is it colorado, where use is legal - even though I do beleive public use is banned)