1973 Fiat 128 Sport L was my first car.
1973 Fiat 128 Sport L was my first car.
What is your dream combo for Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee? Meaning... dream car, with your ideal passenger.
Vote: VLC
Why: so far it opens everything I throw at it. (Period)
Seppuku Type R.
Hi Ian! Big fan of your designs and Jaguar's new direction. The F-Type is one of my all time favourite cars.
I can't be the only guy who is thrilled to see a couple of manufacturers actually doing something about weight after the binge eating that occurred over the last decade, can I?
Its an ocelot. Its an ocelot!
Hey guys! I am so excited for this discussion. Archer is one of my favourite shows on TV today. My favourite episode was the one in which Pam is a drift car driver. It was hilarious!
I kinda respect this. An S class driver likes prestige, but he wants it to be subtle so that only other S class (or rival vehicle) buyers know that he has the V12. He prefers to think of the 99% as too stupid to understand and only seeks to impress the 1%, which is only done if it looks like you aren't trying.
Point well taken. The Mercedes-Benz brand captured my heart at an early age. I'm continually impressed by their products. I believe MB is always on the mark with design. If you consider MB, Audi and BMW to be Germany's Big 3, I like that MB is middle of the road in styling. Not flashy and trendy like BMW, but more…
I'm sure Mercedes will get right on that...
The Middle East's fanciest police department added the McLaren to their fleet earlier this month, according to their sometimes ridiculous Twitter account.
Super Replicas opened a Dubai branch, apparently.
Its not necessarily the religion though. Women can drive in every other Muslim country in the world, Saudi Arabia is an anomaly, not the rule. Its due to how cultural traditions dating back to paternalistic pre Muslim Bedouin society have survived into the modern era mixed with Islam to create a wholly unique…