
Its not necessarily the religion though. Women can drive in every other Muslim country in the world, Saudi Arabia is an anomaly, not the rule. Its due to how cultural traditions dating back to paternalistic pre Muslim Bedouin society have survived into the modern era mixed with Islam to create a wholly unique

Size-wise I think the Model S is closer the the 5/E/A6, so something like a fully loaded 550i or M5 might be more appropriate.

This is the car for the man who...

They look like a bunch of hippos running in the Olympics.

Whatever horrible deeds happened in Argentina, what right does the US have to try a German company like Daimler AG for things that happened in Argentina? It seems like the Argentinians should handle this themselves. Or the Germans. But not the Americans, it's none of their business. This is almost as absurd as the Amer

The world needs more people like you, im starting to hate jalopnik posting anything about dubai, because retards just flood the comments section with "OMG DARK SIDE SLAVES" and completely forget other countries exist.

OK, so the interior's pretty damn awesome, even if you hate CUVs. The whole center console / armrest with that thick stitching is something I need in my life right, effing, now.

Ironically, the same people like to use Ford as a prime example of the "free market" vs GM and Chrysler's government bailout. Except they ignore the fact Ford got a $6 billion loan under the same loan program as Tesla.