
if I told you I was a 8'3" Chinese woman of 12 years old would you believe me? Whats wrong if that's how I identify as?

that might seem true in concept but for this scirocco to have all wheels touching he would need to be going 20 mph slower which means its faster to 3 wheel it. race cars 3 wheel turns all the time. it isn’t as bad of an attribute as u think and is extremely difficult to fix without harming other attributes of the

I figured as much but the dealer was very convincing as they were playing dumb

seriously dude? an auto loan is between 1-4% ideally. by doing that you can invest the money you didn’t dump into your car and earn return of 5-10%. Its stupid to tie up all your money in a car

do you have any comment on checking the math of the dealer? for example when I bought my car we came to an agreed price of 19k. They said we can do 2% for you I said great id like a 36 month loan. they agreed and said ok your payments are XXX. I pulled out a calculator and saw that the payments were roughly 20 bucks

if you frequent an autocross event youll see any remotely sporty car will do this when pushed hard, FWD AWD RWD doesn’t matter

I cant get over how crazy long and extended it looks from the cover photo.

he also said we only made the cayenne manual for the weirdo porsche-aholics who demand three pedals and the car was quite awkward with a stick. with Porsche making soooo much money from panameras cayennes and macans it seems dumb for them not to sacrifice a tiny sliver of profit to make a manual 911 for the 10% that

Those are some very valid points. What's stopping you from moving here Doug? I would love to have you as a regular at Katie's cars and coffee

what do you like about DC? I grew up outside of it and have always been indifferent to it. When I go to NYC I love every second of it but DC just feels neutered and fake. Everything is so clean and pretty and sterile. The people as you mentioned are young fake hippy liberals living off mommys credit card. Virtually

then tell me why they even bothered having people vote? why tease the general public with a taste of democracy only to throw it out the window.

so what your saying is 40 years of the new way isn’t enough and we should go back to back room decisions with no say in the process?

this disaster could have been avoided had he bought a fj60

no no no. the people choose the candidate. yes GOP officials deserve a voice but so does anyone else who calls America home. they are bypassing the people to satisfy internal party interests. that’s not what democracy is built on

ask anyone who starts hundreds of businesses if 4 bankruptcies are unreasonable. hint they are not

love grey and orange