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    @Jason_Rhodes: It probably is a theatre company policy. I should have specified that all the theatres I've gone to in Toronto operate that way, not necessarily Canada.

    @justgent: Here in Canada, they just give you the glasses (sealed in plastic) for free. You're supposed to return them in a bin on the way out, but I kept mine and just reuse them.

    @daveinmn: I hate pleats! I'm so glad they're out of fashion again. I hope they never come back!

    Marty Cooper is the shit. One of my role models. This guy is sharper and more energetic than most people half his age. Even if he was a nobody though, he speaks the truth.

    @chauncy that billups: Reminds me of the recording and film industries. All they know how to do is hold on to their ancient business models that worked before consumers were educated, relatively speaking of course.

    @ithrewitontheground: As far as we know... it could easily have just been a cover story to lessen Verizon's backhand. I know he was just an intern with a week left, but knowing kids these days, he might have still asked for a reference.

    @zenneth: He gets off a week early! If he planned it; diabolical genius.

    @deleahrium: You missed the part that mentioned it's the guys friend who wrote, and sent in to Giz, what you read about hands.

    @jupiterthunder: Same here. For me, half asian apparently means facial hair unsuitable for most styles. I do the beard trimmer thing, but don't often shave with a razor. When I do use a razor I use a bar of Pears soap.