I thought Fiat’s plan was to actually sell cars
I thought Fiat’s plan was to actually sell cars
Thanks for the reminder. My wife got a vespa last year, and I got her a Chinese grom clone to learn how to use a clutch. Ill have to remind her to sign up for classes this summer.
if it did end up on the other site I hope Jalopnik isnt Pulling a Darian Gillium and copying what Torch was writing
Yeah I found the old Torch article about a NYT op ed
I want to say Ive seen this before on Jalopnik
there is a garbage hauling company by me, Ive dealt with them professionally a few times. They were fine most of the time, but they are incredibly stingy. Often arguing with me about prices. Well to my surprise some of the owners opened up a car museum. My motorcycle friends all wanted to go. I said no f-ing way. I’m…
I bought a 2011 malibu because of the head on test shown above
Good influencers will make their channel an actual LLC or treat it like a business. Where they actually buy things for the channel and use them as such. The ones that receive free stuff from sponsors all the time and don’t invest a dollar into their own channel, well I hope the taxman has fun with them
Good you have the 88 Fiero, the formula would also be acceptable, the suspension was the same you just get larger side windows and nicer tail lights
Ryan from Fortnine, answering the questions we all wanted to know, at least he’s not crying about the algorithm or trying to sell me on a $600 tent
It looks like a movie full of unlikable influencers.
Nothing against Itchy boots but I prefer On her bike. Shes sponsored but I only know it from a splash page at the beginning of the video, Itchy Boots and On her bike veer into that travel vlog area and they both produce some great content.
any automotive youtuber is like this. I watched one iracer who may have been the most anti-youtuber ever. He did not take sponsors, raced and paid off his medical bills just off of youtube. I grew out of that hobby and doubled down on motorcycling. That landscape was totally different. The motorcycling videos from…
Im not saying Bernie had no idea what he was doing, but he was from a different time
You know once they find the plane we’ll get a biopic of Amelia with Scarlett Johanson depicting her life after the crash
I dont know what more was egregious, GM with Barbie, or Aquaman 2 with Guiness
This happens more than you think, and unfortunately the results are fatal. One woman who lived by me moved the barricade because she had somewhere to go, her car with her inside of it got carried away and she died due to her negligence.