At this time, I’d like to reiterate my memorial thoughts from the game’s shut down almost five years gone:
At this time, I’d like to reiterate my memorial thoughts from the game’s shut down almost five years gone:
But the thing is, there’s a point at which an idea crosses the threshold from being “different” to being “incorrect.” When something relies on ignoring context and willfully denying educated research and data, when it relies on interpreting that data only in a very narrow manner that ignores historical and…
It’s about establishing a lack of familiarity. I don’t think it’s a strong argument, but being able to say “not only does she have no formal training or work experience relating to this department, but she lacks even personal familiarity/experience,” is extra damning.
Addressing this point about Betsy DeVos without hitting the rest of the substantial knocks against her fitness for the role of Secretary of Education would be dishonest. Beyond no one in her family attending public schools, the school choice program she’s championed has crashed and burned in Michigan, she has no…
Defensive measures that create an undue burden on people without strong evidence to support them being taken. Angry outcry from the commander-in-chief himself that undercuts the very underpinnings of our government, attempting to damage one of the three branches and destabilize our government structure.
I think it’s so the two detachable bits can better function as independent controllers for portable multiplayer.
To be totally fair, it’s a copywriter’s job to foresee some of this stuff. And their supervisor’s job to catch it if they don’t.
There’s also possibility three: that the developer is using the kickstarter to secure funding and support from a larger publisher by being able to demonstrate market interest in their product.
There should still be some sense of achievement and direction. If there isn’t, that’s a serious knock against the game.
As someone who just escaped the black hole that is Sports Authority’s liquidation post-Chapter 11, I wish you all a ton more luck finding a buyer than my former employer had.
Funny story. I am not a sports game person. I was tasked with reviewing MLB The Show (I think 12? Maybe it was 13) on the Vita for Cheat Code Central.
Really? Because reviews, a form of criticism, are inherently about subjective opinion.
It might be trolling if he didn’t substantiate his opinion. But he does, so it’s, y’know, an opinion. It’s just different from your opinion.
One of the major distinctions between Muay Thai and most forms of Karate/Taekwondo is that Karate and Taekwondo do chambered kicks as opposed to swinging their legs up from the hip mostly extended. This keeps the bulk of the leg closer to the center of mass and allows for techniques like this, where the hip just has…
To a point, I disagree. Part of what makes the new XCOM games so enjoyable is that they’re infinitely more accessible than their forebears. A lot, from the whole concept of action points down to equipment loadouts, has been simplified.
The distinction, I think, comes from XCOM doing this while retaining the spirit of…
Absolutely nothing. My girlfriend and I fart, and burp around each other all the time. She’s disappointed that her farts aren’t super audible, but her belches are impressive.
I... What? I have literally never said that. You are lumping me in with an agenda that has absolutely nothing to do with anything I am saying. All that I have said is that, yes, there are people who will have a more visceral reaction to symbolic images of suicide by gun-to-the-head than by, say, something as abstract…
... Where did I draw any connection between violent media and increased violent behavior? That’s a lovely strawman argument you’ve got going on there.
Your entire argument has been “I don’t get bothered by this, so why should anyone else?”
But you’re going to go off on someone else for saying “this does bother me.” You haven’t provided any sort of objective research indicating that this isn’t a problem for the majority of people, or even a large portion of people,…