
i have a 3G - but i didnt see anything sluggish yet. It just runs as it did with 3.1.3. As in, it crashes as much as the 3.1.3. did ! I am still loving the folders and threaded/universal inbox ..i books

@nfletcher2: Yes just got off the call, and they say unlike att orders if the orders say June 24th, it is confirmed on June 24th at apple site. I've been letting lot of my friends know about this ... coz some of them got a confirmation saying On or After June 24th from att.

@nfletcher2: ah relieved ! thank you... i am on hold waiting to be served the same confirmation by apple care ...

i ordered one .. still see the Order status in the apple site as Delivers June 24th .. but never received a mail from apple confirming .. but Order is placed and i see that in apple site ..

MS: Enemy's enemy is my friend. Let me surprise my friend !!

@CaptainJack: Microsoft making this open standard - i doubt. YEah they have been doing r&D for 10 years .. tell me how many product have come out.

i dont understand whats the whole inaccuracy in reporting. When you have a phone why do you want to find a pixel by holding it closer in an insane distance. Isnt it enough that you have an increased resolution and a better quality when you hold a phone however you hold normally.

@skraelingshortbus: I almost share the same sentiment with you .. and until today i was even planning wait for the windows 7 phone. They are awfully late ..

Well here is the thing, i knew some one was telling me this so i installed Vista on my Brand new Hp laptop [AMD, Nvidia, 4 GB RAM, 160 GB HD], I Installed the basics like Firefox, Gtalk and ofcourse Photoshop and MSOFFICE ... nothing - and i made it a point to remove all those Junk s/w that come pre installed. yet - i