
Your feeling is wrong. They shouldn’t be swapping people in and out.

Why was that your first thought? Do you have a 70 IQ?

So what if he only knows white people? A game with all black people wouldn’t be evil or bad either.

His take is correct and it is doubling down.

There is nothing wrong with orientalism and it has never harmed anyone.

It didn’t sail over his head. He understood it exactly and is explaining that the author is an incompetent coward.

Colonialism is good :)

yeah dude just ignore everything antifa's ever done lmao

no you don't.

alt right aren’t nazis, work on your fact checking. 

how tf you even measure toxicity anyway? got a link to any studies or surveys by blizzard? how's the methodology look?

yeah cause their player base is down 60% lmfao dead game

i bet you think the people endorsing you give a shit about you or the game, kek

imagine needing validation from random faceless idiots lmao

regards, bronze shitter

its difficulty.

Waaaahhhh nothing is ever my fault! It’s da evil whiteys!!!!!

No, he clearly got it.

btw there was neither physics nor religion in the post you linked, work on your journalism.

If a vast number of people happen to agree over something, it may be good to examine why, unless of course those people are conservatives with the wrong opinions, then they’re evil nazis who hate women, and their arguments can be dismissed without engagement.